It's less expensive than you think...
‘One thing to improve your horse’s saddle fit right now’, without taking out a second mortgage is a fairly common request.
Fortunately, you can enhance how your saddle fits your horse with some help!
If you simply can’t fit the saddle of your dreams into your budget at the moment, you have to ‘make do’ with what you have! We’ve all been there.
If there is no new saddle on the horizon, there IS one thing you CAN DO to IMPROVE the fit comfort of the saddle you currently own!
Instead of a big cash outlay, it only requires a very small investment plus a little time and new understanding…costs way less and works amazingly well as a temporary solution.
We all know unhappy horses result in unhappy experiences for us, too.
Yes. A set of shims tucked in just the right place can make a huge difference even if you’re struggling with a less-than-ideal saddle! They’re different from other shims you’ll find out there.
They are more effective due to their particular shape, density/texture, power/resiliency and methodology of use. They’re the perfect balance of SUPPORT and ‘SQUISH’ to contour with your horse’s body and lift saddle pressure off where you need it off.
Could it be so easy? It can be!
Used alone, or in concert with our tailored saddle pads, a set of shims (we have 3 different shapes and 2 different thicknesses) could create a completely different fitting saddle and a significantly more pleasant experience for your horse and yourself. Intrigued? Read on!
Our collection of TAPERED FOAM SHIMS with our FREE ‘simple-solution’ coaching, will give you an inexpensive alternative to replacing your entire saddle. To improve your saddle fit without breaking the bank!
To take your improvements to the NEXT LEVEL, choose from our therapeutic saddle pad collection of AIRPADS and SMARTPADS.
And… if you decide to upgrade down the road to one of our saddles, you’ll already be armed with important components of our unique SMARTFLX saddle system! Let’s call that a head start.
Here's the secret sauce of saddle fit.
For those new to the concept and philosophy of CONTOUR SADDLERY (Natural Horseman Saddles, Parelli Saddles, Glenn Saddles and VersaFit Saddle Pad Systems)
Our Revolutionary SMARTFLX Saddle System starts with handcrafted English and Western saddles featuring our exclusive SMARTFLX foundation.
Teamed with either our AIRPAD or SMARTPAD saddle pads (which house our VERSAFIT contour foam shims) this equipment works in harmony to create a tailored riding solution capable of changing with your horse. Built/Fitted to the horse in motion. Equine Approved. Loved all over the world.
With only two SMARTFLX tree sizes (Standard or Superwide), our saddles can accommodate multiple horses of varying shapes!
All with a simple change of a foam shim or two. How good is that?
The best part? You are in control. You can make changes on the fly, as you need!
If you’re still a little confused, think of it this way:
In human terms, the saddle is your shoes – a foundation designed to provide support, and create freedom for movement with expansion and security.
Think of the saddle pad just like your socks: the interface between your shoes and your body to cushion your contours, wick moisture away and allow free-flowing strides…
The shims are a bit like orthotics – Orthotics create a perfect contact with the sole of the shoe to help remove pressure points. They allow for individual foot shape, anomalies, and micro-adjustments as you walk/run.
Yes, human feet differ from horses’ backs, but they both have to bear weight and move without pain.
Same Same but Different.
Of course, you could keep doing what most unenlightened riders/horse owners do.
You could spend a lot of money trying to improve saddle fit by buying an array of new/incorrect saddles, and/or, paying EXPENSIVE saddle fitters to come and adjust this and re-flock that. Thinking you’ve got it right… only to discover it isn’t…or doesn’t last long if it did feel good for a short time…then repeating the process over and over.
Learn more, clarify how we can help and put our experienced team to work for you to achieve a good saddle fit by checking out our FREE Saddle Fit Evaluation.
Find out how you could improve the comfort and health of your horse – once and for all.
What do you have to lose? It’s free!
Read up on what our Smartflx Saddle System has created for tens of thousands of horses globally!